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A student who wishes to have his or her status changed may obtain a petition form from the 招生办公室 or by selecting one of the following forms:


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  • 过去12个月在密苏里州住院
  • Minimum $6000 Missouri or Federal earnings
  • Missouri Driver's License or Identification Card
  • 密苏里州选民登记卡
  • 填妥的父母税务证明
  • Missouri Property Tax (if property is owned in state)
  • Personal Vehicle titled in state (if in student's name)
  • 密苏里州所得税


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The following qualifications apply to the unemancipated petition for residency:

  1. Student is married to a Missouri resident
  2. Student's family has relocated to Missouri for the purposes of 全职工作, 退休, 专业实践 或者全职经营一项业务, OR
  3. Student is stationed in Missouri as part of full-time military service.

Petition forms must be completed in full, notarized and submitted to the 招生办公室 prior to the semester for which the petition is made. It is the student's responsibility to submit all necessary documentation to 招生 by this deadline.

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密苏里州政策 For Determination of Student Residency For Fee Purposes

I. Classifications used in determining residency


  1. 成人学生. 如果学生年满21岁,则应提供在密苏里州建立永久住所的充分证明, the student may be granted resident status at the first enrollment following the establishment of said domicile, providing the student was not taken as an income tax deduction by a second party other than a spouse.
  2. 未被解放的未成年学生. The domicile of an unemancipated minor is presumed to be that of the individual(s) having legal 监护权 of the student, since the student is still under their care, 监护权, 或支持. If those having 监护权 of the student establish a Missouri domicile, 该学生在建立密苏里州住所后的第一次入学时应被授予居民身份. See also 3 A and 3 C (for military personnel and nonresidents who pay Missouri income tax).
  3. 解放未成年学生. The domicile of emancipated minor students shall be determined as if they were adults. A minor may become emancipated through marriage, 正式的法庭诉讼, abandonment or positive action of alienation on the part of the minor. In all cases, alienation from care, 监护权, and support shall be complete. 在任何情况下,如果配偶以外的另一方将该学生作为所得税减免,则未成年学生不得有资格获得解放.

II. 住所设立

With intent to make the State of Missouri a permanent home, 以下两种方式中的任何一种都足以证明一个人及其家属在密苏里州的住所.

  1. Proof of presence within the State of Missouri for the purposes of 全职工作, 退休, 专业实践, 或者全职经营一项业务.
  2. 在过去连续12个月在密苏里州居住的证明,并通过以下方式充分证明有意无限期地将密苏里州作为永久住所:
    1. Factors given weight in determining intent: continuous presence in the State of Missouri during those periods not enrolled as a student; presence within Missouri upon marriage to a Missouri resident; substantial reliance on sources within Missouri for financial support (i.e. 最少6美元,000 income from Missouri and Federal sources in the past twelve months); former domicile within the state and maintenance of significant connections while absent; ownership of a home in Missouri; income tax return from the prior year showing independence.
    2. These additional factors are applicable in determining intent only as they support the intent shown by: registration for voting; part-time employment; lease of living quarters; a statement of intention to establish a domicile in Missouri; automobile registration; Missouri drivers license; and payment of income, personal and property taxes in Missouri.

3. 特殊因素

  1. 军队的成员. Students shall neither gain nor lose resident status solely as a consequence of military service. 军事人员, 驻扎在密苏里时, their spouses 还有未被解放的未成年子女 shall be regarded as holding Missouri resident status. 驻扎在密苏里州以外的军事人员,其官方住所在密苏里州军方的档案中应被视为居民, 以及他们的配偶, 还有未被解放的未成年子女.
  2. 非美国公民. Students who are noncitizens must possess resident alien status, 由联邦当局决定, prior to consideration for resident status. 外国人及其家属持有A, L, 如果被确定为各自政府的代表,并且其教育不是由政府资助的,则可以获得居民身份.
  3. Nonresidents Who Pay 密苏里州所得税. 非居民学生的学费应记入等于前一个日历年实际支付的密苏里州所得税的金额,但剩余的义务不得少于居民学生的学费金额. 未被解放的未成年学生有资格获得密苏里州所得税的支付,因为非居民个人对学生有合法监护权. Students covered by this policy remain classified as nonresidents. Students entering in January shall be regarded as entering in the fall for purposes of determining previous calendar year. For students entering after January, previous year means immediate past calendar year. Students must provide this documentation to the Office of Student Account Services to request a partial fee waiver.

IV. Procedures for changing residence classification

  1. A student's residency status is determined at the time of admission. A student who wishes to have his or her status changed may obtain a petition form in the 招生办公室, 二楼, 行政大楼, Maryville, MO 64468-6001或by 联系招生.
  2. Petition forms must be completed in full, notarized and submitted to 招生 at least three weeks prior to the semester for which the petition is made. 支持居留身份的适当文件是学生的责任,必须在三周截止日期之前与请愿书一起提交. Petition forms received after the deadline date will be acted upon, but the decision will not go into effect until the next semester.
  3. Petitions are reviewed and acted upon by the Residency Committee, according to the residency policies of the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education. Students will be notified in writing of the action on their petition. The offices of Student Account Services 招生 and 注册商 will also be notified concerning approved petitions.
  4. 居住委员会之决定,得向教务处副校长及财务处副校长提出申诉.

西北的政策 For Determination of Student Residency For Fee Purposes

I. Classifications used in determining residency


  1. 成人学生. 如果学生年满21岁,则应提供在密苏里州建立永久住所的充分证明, the student may be granted resident status at the first enrollment following the establishment of said domicile, providing the student was not taken as an income tax deduction by a second party other than a spouse.
  2. 未被解放的未成年学生. The domicile of an unemancipated minor is presumed to be that of the individual(s) having legal 监护权 of the student, since the student is still under their care, 监护权, 或支持. If those having 监护权 of the student establish a Missouri domicile, 该学生在建立密苏里州住所后的第一次入学时应被授予居民身份. See also 3 A and 3 C (for military personnel and nonresidents who pay Missouri income tax).
  3. 解放未成年学生. The domicile of emancipated minor students shall be determined as if they were adults. A minor may become emancipated through marriage, 正式的法庭诉讼, abandonment or positive action of alienation on the part of the minor. In all cases, alienation from care, 监护权, and support shall be complete. 在任何情况下,如果配偶以外的另一方将该学生作为所得税减免,则未成年学生不得有资格获得解放.

II. 住所设立

With intent to make the State of Missouri a permanent home, 以下两种方式中的任何一种都足以证明一个人及其家属在密苏里州的住所.

  1. Presence within the state of Missouri for the purpose of 退休, 全职工作, 全职专业实习, 或者全职经营业务,并证明有意无限期地将密苏里州作为永久住所.
  2. 在过去连续12个月在密苏里州居住的证明,并通过以下方式充分证明有意无限期地将密苏里州作为永久住所:
    1. Factors given weight in determining intent: continuous presence in the State of Missouri during those periods not enrolled as a student; presence within Missouri upon marriage to a Missouri resident; substantial reliance on sources within Missouri for financial support (i.e. 最少6美元,000 income from Missouri and Federal sources in the past twelve months); former domicile within the state and maintenance of significant connections while absent; ownership of a 主要的 home in Missouri; income tax return from the prior year showing independence.
    2. These additional factors are applicable in determining intent only as they support the intent shown by: registration for voting; part-time employment; lease of living quarters; a statement of intention to establish a domicile in Missouri; automobile registration; Missouri driver’s license; and payment of income, personal and property taxes in Missouri.

3. 特殊因素

  1. 军队的成员. Students shall neither gain nor lose resident status solely as a consequence of military service. 军事人员, 驻扎在密苏里时, their spouses 还有未被解放的未成年子女 shall be regarded as holding Missouri resident status. 驻扎在密苏里州以外的军事人员,但其官方“记录所在地”已作为密苏里州在军方存档,应被视为居民, 以及他们的配偶, 还有未被解放的未成年子女.
  2. 非美国公民. Students who are noncitizens must possess resident alien status, 由联邦当局决定, prior to consideration for resident status. 外国人及其家属持有A, L, 如果确定被单独指定为其政府的代表,并且其教育不是由政府资助的,则可以授予居民身份.
  3. Nonresidents Who Pay 密苏里州所得税. 非居民学生的学费应记入等于前一个日历年实际支付的密苏里州所得税的金额,但剩余的义务不得少于居民学生的学费金额. 未被解放的未成年学生有资格获得密苏里州所得税的支付,因为非居民个人对学生有合法监护权. Students covered by this policy remain classified as nonresidents. Students entering in January shall be regarded as entering in the fall for purposes of determining previous calendar year. For students entering after January, previous year means immediate past calendar year.

IV. Procedures for changing residence classification

  1. A student's residency status is determined at the time of admission. A student who wishes to have his or her status changed may obtain a petition form in the 招生办公室, 二楼, 行政大楼.
  2. Petition forms must be completed in full, notarized and submitted to the 招生办公室 prior to the semester for which the petition is made. 支持居留身份的适当文件是学生的责任,必须在学期前与请愿书一起提交. Petition forms received after the deadline date will be acted upon, but the decision will not go into effect until the next semester.
  3. Petitions are reviewed and acted upon by the Residency Committee, according to the residency policies of the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education. Students will be notified in writing of the action on their petition. 大学司库, 招生办公室, 注册商, and Financial Assistance Office will also be notified concerning approved petitions.
  4. 居住委员会之决定,得向教务处副校长及财务处副校长提出申诉。教务处副校长担任监督委员会.