我教的课程范围从艺术入门调查到全球艺术和建筑的高级课程. 我以跨学科的方式来研究我的课程, 借鉴历史, 宗教, 和文化,以充分地将艺术和建筑置于环境中. 我致力于为学生提供课堂内外的体验式学习机会. 在指导学生方面, 我通过支持学生申请博物馆实习来促进专业发展, 艺术家驻地, and graduate programs; by encouraging students to present their creative work at national and regional undergraduate research conferences; and by offering opportunities for involvement in my international research projects.
作为一名同时从事考古学研究的艺术史学家, 我亲身体会到在艺术研究中采用多学科和跨文化方法的重要性,并鼓励学生在创造性的努力中广泛地撒网. I am passionate about teaching students to think critically and analytically about visual culture and its impact on our lives; providing students with opportunities to further develop these skills in projects that emphasize effective verbal and written communication; and imparting a knowledge and understanding of the important role research plays in strengthening creative work.
作为一名研究地中海东部和中东地区的艺术史学家和考古学家, I am particularly interested in issues of representation and the affective engagement of the image; the negotiation of artistic, 文化, and political boundaries; and historiography and critical theory. 在我的研究中, 我探索如何建筑装饰, 尤其是马赛克, 能照亮罗马的文化和社会吗, 拜占庭/拉丁, 和伊斯兰世界. 我目前的研究项目主要集中在三个重叠的主题:犹太人对神圣空间的观念变化, 基督徒, and Muslims; evidence for interreligious and intercommunal engagement in visual culture; and female patronage.
作为Huqoq挖掘项目(Huqoq)的马赛克专家.org)在以色列, 我和Ra 'anan Boustan合作出版了在罗马犹太教堂发现的马赛克, 该项目的已故古董历史学家.
有关我的研究的更多信息,请参见 http://nwmissouri.academia.edu/KarenBritt